Thursday, December 4, 2014

Character Development and Naming the Character

A character should have a goal or goals… This way you will have many ideas flow and not be stuck in one place in the story. There should be a problem and the solution with the protagonist and the antagonist to help and prevent the goal. Also names should not be taking up most of your time, if you do have a name you prefer though, then great! There are many questions you might want to ask yourself to help you get started with character development:

What is your character's Goal/s?
Which character is the protagonist?
Which character is the antagonist?
What is the problem in the story?
How is your problem getting solved (by the character)?
What is your personalities of your character?
How many characters?
How many main characters?
What are the hobbies or activities favored by the characters?
What are the main things your character does?
What are the character's relationship/s?

Those questions are to help your characters go on throughout your story.

Moving on to naming the character, just to get you thinking here are some starter names ones you can most definitely use!

Sarah, Ashley, Carol, Mary, Mia, Cynthia, Lily, Jasmine, Megan, Rachel, Tina, Bella, Olivia, Maile, Jamie, Piper, Taylor, Kelsie, Maddie, Maila
Tony, Owen, Adam, James, Ethan, Jonah, John, Timothy, Samuel, Richard, Daniel, Jack, Michael, Kyle, Matthew

When it comes to names you may want to think of outside of the box names. Common names are overused. If you are doing a book on history or based on true facts in the past, consider to come up with a name related in that time period. Anyway naming your character is supposed to be fun, just don't get held on it.

There are also many great websites where you can get other names too. To be honest your character's name not the most important thing you should be worrying about when you write. I mean if you do have a great name, as I said before, then great! Although the focus in writing is the getting to the climax while the character builds. Climax, solution and action will be in my next post.

Character Development PDF Worksheet


  1. This is very helpful! now I don't have to steal names from your stories!

  2. Can you put some of more worksheets on other posts! They really help!
