Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Finding The Perfect Title

If you are writing a book and/or wanting to start a book you may be asking, what should it be about? Well, I have an answer, do not get stuck on the title. Naming the book can be done at the end, what you should be doing is getting a feel on the characters personality.

However if you feel the need to come up with a title this instant, because that is why you are reading this, then you might want to consider this play by play of instructions.
  1. Think about what you want your book to be about.
  2. Think about what your characters are like.
  3. Think of words that are related to your ideas of the storyline.
  4. Try to name the title so the ideas are not revealed but so you can tell it in a subtle way. Figurative language is also good to use in the title so the storyline can be defined with certain clues (which are from the title).

Speaking of titles here are some examples:
(Book Examples Below) (Topic On Right)
Background (Simple)
Title For It
Why It Could Be That Title
Book Example 1
A poor farmer girl.
The Fields Of My Life
Fields meaning farm lands, my life meaning she farms for the rest of her life.
Book Example 2
A city boy who wants to travel but can’t afford to.
The Tall Crucial Cages
The cages are representing the city and how the buildings are tall and not letting him leave (the crucial part).
Book Example 3
A queen that is facing hard decisions.
A Royal Perspective
Royal because she is a queen and perspective because the decision is her’s to make
Book Example 4
A swimmer who has the drive and wants to be in the olympics.
Splashing For The Judges
Splashing meaning swimming and judges because she wants to be at the olympics.
Book Example 5
A girl that wants to be an artist.
The Colors Of My Heart
The colors because in painting you use lots of colors. My heart because she is very passionate for art
So those are the examples feel free to use those ideas too! I hope this helps for the next time you want to title a book!

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