Writing Poetry


If you are reading this then you either need help with writing a poem. Most things people get stuck is the rhyming. Of course having your poem rhyme is great! Although poems are supposed to be about your feelings, like how you feel about something, and expressing it. Poems are kind of figurative language, they can be made out of metaphors or perhaps similes. Before we get started into the real writing of them, here are the definitions of the most commonly used figurative language, metaphors and similes:

Metaphors- A metaphor is a way of comparing an object or thing to something completely different, but has its relationship to connect it.
EX: She is a Giraffe.
This is comparing this girl to an animal. Of course she is not a giraffe, but the metaphor used this because they are different things. The relationship is because they are both tall. The example does not say she is tall, but the whole point of the metaphor is to show you she is tall. That would be why someone is comparing her to giraffe in the first place.

Similes- A simile is also comparing a thing to something different, but having the realations. However similes use either the word, like or as.
EX: The flower was as bright as the sun.
In this simile, the two things being compared are the flower and the sun. They are obviously different, but they both are similar. 

Those are the definitions and the difference. If you use them in your poem it will be 100% better! I gurantee. Figurative language always emphasizes what you are trying to display.


This post will be about making your poem rhyme.

1. Come up with words that are going to be mentioned in the stanzas.
2. Make a list of words that rhyme or close enough for the words at the end of the stanza.
Make sure that the words rhyming are at the end of the stanza and every other.


  1. Wow Ginny you are so good at writing....I am never going to get over that....

    1. Thank you so much Ho'ohila. That made my day.
