Writing Essays

Essay Writing Intro

So if you are reading this then you probably need some help with writing essays. Well you’re in luck writing, essays is totally something I am good at… I can definitely help you.

If you are just starting, then start off with your with your topic. You probably know your topic of focus if the essay you are doing is for school.

  1. Then start with your starting sentence (topic sentence).
  2. Write your first paragraph.
  3. Continue into the body.
  4. Finish and conclude.

I know that this post was not entirely detailed. My next post will be separated to specify more intensely on those same topics.

Writing Topic Sentence In First Paragraph

Since writing an essay starts with a topic sentence, that is what I will be talking about.

Topic sentences are the most important, because it starts off the whole essay. To have a good topic sentence you need to really think about what your essay about. If you know that, then think of the sentence that is most relative to that topic. Be sure to make the sentence is something that will catch your reader and immediately pull them in, but be sure it is on topic.

Here is some examples:

First Sentence
Example 1
Water Pollution
Throughout time, humans have been polluting the ocean’s water, causing organisms to die.
Example 2
Bullying has affected many innocents, it is time to stop this.
Example 3
Nature is not just beautiful, but is also holds many of the worlds animals and species.
Example 4
Numbers can be considered math, although when the numbers make an equation, it becomes much better.