Thursday, December 18, 2014

Writing The Perfect Sentence In Three Simple Steps

You might be wondering how to write the perfect sentence, start by thinking of what your actually trying to write in the paragraph.

1. Know your topic.
2. Brainstorm words that describe your topic. It can include colors or adjectives.
3. Mix in articles to those words and make sure your result is what you want.

After you have the basics down use commas to add more detail and thought to explain what you are trying to say.


Cinnamon Apple: The crisp apple's scent wavered towards my nose, creating my senses to grasp the temptation.

Cats: The furry beings sat on the fluffy pillow that lied on the purple couch with stripes.

River: The elegance of liquid gallantly streamed down the blue river near my neighborhood.

Hope you now have your perfect sentence.

1 comment:

  1. I love you please publish this comment!!!!!!!!!! You are the best writer I have ever known!!!!!!!!
